At Night (Excerpts)
Lisa Ciccarello

At night:

Draw the line up the back of my leg; I will don the
shoe & Ready. Move back. Yr own distance fools you.
The line: here you can not pass. Here is nothing to be
mended. These legs will be minarets/upright the
mattress. The sound that will bring you: tell me. He said
care of not carry O

At night, the dead:

Linen on the line: diamond: it takes the dead hours
to make the sign: soon.

At night, the dead:

A little story: salt & grave. Of the finger: the thrice
motion: a sign.

At night:

the remedy between us and you --

everlasting covenant of salt
which is in order to sweeten your mouths and jaws
which it is supposed it ought to do
on one of these two nights:

Lo this shall be to you the sacrifice of a soul in
substitution for a soul.

At night:

A man is a black circle in the dark. Toy well, the
hanging bucket. Feet first I will carry you this
wet dress that sinks you.

A man is a black ghost at night. Call him. O he turn
around & silent; O he'll not turn around. You call you
sing out yr throat he's where you want him to be.

What I got: two black circles: a snow-fall face. These
eyes, the deal, the mark there.