Should: a false translation of Dirk Huelstrunk's 'Schuld'
F. J. Bergmann

Duress of wealth compels the hysterically rich
to scrape off the skin of their own hands
before drawing on the gloves of Night.

A burdened beast should do as it is told,
a beast shod with flame. See! it is near
to making a hasty getaway.

Them and their histories, handed down
by the unfortunate souls we call poets,
die at their own infernal hands.

But these are sick and infirm;
the jest is all in fun. We felt
such lies, brittle as glass.

Schuld: Dirk Huelstrunk

Der hysterische Handschuh schreit die ganze Nacht.

Du bist schuld. Du bist an allem schuld. Sieh nur, was du getan hast.

Dem hysterischen Handschuh ist kalt. Die Hände haben sich entfernt.

Jetzt ist er allein und fühlt sich liegengelassen.

Guilt: translation by Fred Bergmann

The hysterical glove screams all night.

It's your fault. Everything is your fault. Just look at what you've done.

The hysterical glove is cold. The hands have gone away.

Now it is alone and feels left out.