Three Fictions
Nicole Elizabeth

Dollar Bills Burning

I left a note for lauren, the roommate I sort of like best. attn: lauren: rumored bedbugs imminent, seek dry land. godspeed.

Levar Burton Was Not A Babe On Star Trek To Me Because He Was A Trusted Individual I Watched For Information On Reading Rainbow As A Child

I took notes. I was a very serious six year old. Again every part of me itches as it did then.

I Went To The Cliff, I Blew The Ram's Horn, Below Nobody Gathered

There were four moons visible in the sky I said you get in your shower and I'll get in mine and we'll see if we can see each other in the water you weren't there but I did try to draw some sacred geometry with shampoo bubbles on the tile wall. Man sees own bubbles, I paraphrased Plato.