When the car broke on the dark road in the rain and me still
in my dressy clothes my fickle phone my cross to bear
again yet again refusing to turn on even to light up no
bones thrown for me but figures yesterday I dropped it in a bucket
of varnish not on purpose not my fault it slipped from my
breast pocket and plopped a perfect hole-in-one. Tried pushing
the buttons my fingers steeped in varnish now the air in the
car all varnish vapor no clean breath to be found so I got out
though the rain was really coming down turning to sleet and me
swollen in clothes that suddenly didn't fit pinch and itch oh bare
legs hobbled feet heels sinking in roadside gravel. I looked away
unseeing over a dark field what to do seemed all was lost
all for naught when a station wagon pulled up behind my car
an old model with a bad muffler the wagon not my car plenty of
room in back for a body they'd find me in this bad suit my
underthings, my hair maybe not as clean as they could be but a
woman stepped out and she looked nice, a very nice-looking woman, she
smiled and said I looked like I needed help and I said yes oh yes
please thank you and got in her wagon. In back not
bodies but birds in cages cooing or chirping or purring not
sure if the sound was happy or sad they had no room for standing
and I thought I knew how they felt. They're game birds said the woman,
for hunting I'm delivering them to a farm where men from the city
pay to come and rent dogs and we set the birds loose and they
shoot them or the dogs get them in which case we set them loose
again and then the men shoot them. That doesn't seem very fair for
the birds I said meaning to be stern but it came out more like
a joke and the woman must have thought so too because she laughed,
I know, she laughed, and what's worse is we take each bird out of
its cage and spin it around before we release it so when they fly off
they're dizzy they're scared they don't know down from up!
She laughed. The rest of the way to town we listened to the birds
the sounds they made not gentle I don't want to say gentle
because who knows what was on their minds who knows what the
brains of animals are like I certainly would like to know oh
mystery of mysteries can you imagine I imagine it like
abstract painting or atonal music but foreign in a way I can't
imagine can you imagine something you can't imagine? Their
sounds not gentle but the effect they had on me made me feel
gentle like they were sanding my edges most of the time I feel as
though I am honing razors but they made me feel gentle and I sat
looking at my hands while the woman drove. She made sure I got someone
on the phone before she left waving and smiling this person
who probably saved my life the walk to town was more than ten
miles what would I have done if she had not stopped I do not
know I do not wish to consider it now that I am safe and warm and
dry at home in soft clothes and thick socks but I do wish
to consider this: have I just been handled and spun around and let
loose and am I falling or am I rising and what swift bullets
are now tracing my path?