author's choice

an anthology
selected from the archives 2005-2012
by the authors themselves

How He Remembered It
Tom Abray

Watching Our Reflections on TV While We Wait
Meakin Armstrong

On Fear
Lisa Marie Basile

Portrait, Guilt Obscured by Fog
Ruth Baumann

Milk and Bread
Alessandra Bava

Local Industries of the Spirit
Brian Beatty

Facsimile Apparatus
Peter Berghoef

Ali Berman

Wait to Come Unstuck
Wyatt Bonikowski

Something More Familiar
Mel Bosworth

There, There
Aaron Burch

Eric Burke

Rooftop Dreams
Hunter Choate

Naming you Wane
Nicole Cartwright Denison

Philadelphia Loomer
Andrew Donovan

A Factory
Keith Driver

Sexual Dimorphism -- A Nightmare Transcribed from Sanskrit
Berit Ellingsen

Ashley Farmer

Scott Garson

Luke Goebel

Barry Graham

How to Clean a Carburetor
Nicolas James Hampton

All Aboard
Bruce Harris

From the Chute
Eric Higgins

Sean Patrick Hill

When I Moved from Nevada
Jamie Iredell

Matisse, in the Jardin des Tuileries, 1904
Joe Kapitan

The Final Straw
Tammy Ho Lai-Ming

Tim Lantz

Take Time for Beauty
Amanda Laughtland

That One Day
James Lewelling

Soon you say
Kristin Marie Lueke

Butterfly Stroke on Coast Starlight
Dennis Mahagin

Emily Maloney

Baby Dream #6: The Well
Katie Manning

The Village of Whealbrook (II)
Sam Martone

Catherine Moran

Word Problem
Rick Neece

Gary Percesepe

Sex in Siberia
Meg Pokrass

The Museum of Dead Genres
Pedro Ponce

The Roar of the Sea and the Plangent Cries of Whimbrels
Kathryn Rantala

Ryan Richey

6 Ox Poems
Ryan Ridge

Three Hundred-Mile House
Forrest Roth

I Didn't Know How to Parent
Matthew Salesses

Children of Our Murdered Chickens
M Sarki

The Listener Is Called by the Future
Joseph Scapellato

Trouble on the Road
Daryl Scroggins

velvet coat
Phil Shils

Ooze Box
Gary J. Shipley

Matthew Simmons

Claudia Smith

study, nine
Jenniey Tallman

Ways I Used to Celebrate
Parker Tettleton

The Body as Code for Clay
David Tomaloff

William VanDenBerg

Notes on the Human Condition
René Georg Vasicek

10,000 Dollar Pyramid
Robert Vaughan

the worst of beautiful
Helen Vitoria

Brian Warfield

Eryk Wenziak

The Sorry Teds
Jensen Whelan

The 49er's Kitten Lecture
Mike Young

Fall Apart Stuff
Corey Zeller

original issues edited by Kim Chinquee, Brandon Hobson and Cooper Renner