On the last day his jaw dropped.
His face conceded.
But he did not look dreadful, merely paused.
Was he on the verge of something?
Hastening to Make Waste
In the moonlight she is vigorous. Her flesh
attends to the weight of her marriage.
The three of us collide. What astounding
Drowning in the Icy Waters Offshore
I threw the arm of Fellows by her dar.
Made a loud burst
in it.
Just imagine.
One dandy
motion, and then,
You just rest your back
back on the bed. She will
My Phantom
Fact is,
you missed it.
The chance to be
the very first one
on your block to see a real poet
in action up close. The innocent carpenter and
the sale of his labor. Those days of sweat
now lost. Constructions of one too many.
His marriage of wrinkles. And lust. And fast
lunches of foolish pleasures.
The sadness
still to come.