The woman left the man alone a week. The woman's thigh was irritated
from the brush of the man's cheek. At night the woman soaked in a warm
bath, applied ointment.
This was the sixth night in a row the woman had watched the same
movie. The woman in the movie had a pained expression on her face. The
woman's face was pained similarly. The woman in the movie spent two
hours searching for her dog and then left her anyway.
On the seventh night, the woman put the movie in but did not hit play.
An image of the actress appeared on the screen and music from the film
started and then stopped and then started again. The woman's thigh was
no longer irritated and no ointment was needed. The woman stared at
the actress's face and listened to the music. The woman did not call
the man. The woman lit a cigarette, used the back of her hand to brush
the inside of her thigh. She would not look for the man either.